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Writer's pictureLucy Hodges

Did Ya Miss Me?

Gentle Readers! My sincerest apologies.

I have long been absent from these writerly shores, but it is not for lack of trying.

My absence is easily explained (and hopefully reasonably excused): my dear friends Little Octopus and Steeb got married last week, and I was chief organiser. I had a clipboard, a headset and ALL THE POWER, but this also meant I had all the responsibility. And I spent the few days beforehand being thoroughly subsumed in wedding prep (thus had no time to write).

It was both glorious and dangerous – I am now having quite severe withdrawal symptoms and am threatening to marry up any couples I come across, just so I can plan another one. I don’t even like weddings. But oooooh, it was so much fun. SO MUCH FUN. And now L.O. and Steeb are on honeymoon, and I am prostrate on my living room floor trying to make bunting out of receipts and dirty washing. It’s going…not so well.

Anyway, I also would like to draw your attention to my post The Corridor Gremlin, which can be found here.

The reason I alert you is because IT HAS BEEN ILLUSTRATED! By my wonderful friend and colleague John Chilton (of and you should swing by his gallery and check out his incredible science cartoons. But look! LOOK AT THE PICTURE! It’s my gremlins!!!

Seriously, seriously cool. I am so chuffed. Thanks John!

Anyway, I am going to make an attempt at resuming normal posting soon. I’ve got some ideas, and I’m going to work on them with enthusiasm. And if all else fails, we’ll just go for a photo montage of my craft attempts for the wedding. I made shit. And it was good.



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